Editorial Team

Editor in Chief :

Firza (Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia)

The Editor-in-Chief serves as the primary point of contact for all editors, associate editors, guest editors, and outside institutions and agencies. Additionally, they are in charge of the first to the last step of the publishing process, as well as the initial contact with possible writers (concerning the acceptability of submissions in light of the journal's objectives and scope). They are responsible for overseeing the journal's overall strategy, determining if submitted papers fall within its purview, serving as an advocate for the publication, commissioning content, and responding to submission inquiries as necessary. reviewing, approving, and proofreading any final copy content for publication; Creating DOIs for published content, adding it to indexes, and archiving it in permanent repositories; upkeep of journal systems and webpage; obtaining financial backing for the journal; managing all associated matters to the journal. 


Editors :

Elfa Michellia Karima (Universitas Negeri Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia)




Dede Wahyu Firdaus (Universitas Siliwangi, West Java, Indonesia)

The Editor acts as the main point of contact for authors. Their main duties include: Co-directing the journal's overall strategy; serving as an ambassador for the publication by commissioning content and responding to submission inquiries as necessary; taking into account reviewers' comments when deciding whether to accept, revise, or reject manuscripts; informing authors of reviewers' comments and editorial decisions; Before submitting amended drafts for copy editing, review them. When it comes to the status of a manuscript during the review process, they are the main point of contact with authors.